Friday, April 18, 2014


Animal Jam Sky Blog: Scooter! (5/17/14)
ite This is some fan art I made for a contest.

Happy Mother's Day! (5/11/14)
For all the moms out there...

Phantom (4/18/14)
Have a tiny phantom, guys! Thanks for all the views and comments!
Took me awhile to make! Hope you like! Don't steal!

How to Doodle 1 - Hamster (4/18/13)
This is the first tutorial I'm doing, so I hope you like!
I'm going to teach you how to draw a hamster. It's super easy!

First, you draw an oval.
Next, do a different color and make the mouth.
Erase the black that's inside the blue by coloring it white with a bucket. Should you make a mistake, it's okay. That's all part of art. Make sure it's cut off from any other black!
Now, color the mouth black and add the tiny little nose!
Don't forget the fur! get a different color and add zig-zag spikes at the top!
Erase the black and make the other color into black, then add circles for the eyes.
Now you have your shape! Now, color however you want. Make sure the eyes have tiny white circles in it to look shiny! Now you have your hamster! Don't forget to add the whiskers, if you want!

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